Babu Bishka

Copyright 1993-1997 Scott E. Johnston

Chapter 1: In Green Bridge Park
Chapter 2: The Meeting
Chapter 3: The Danger
Chapter 4: Story Telling
Chapter 5: The Next Morning
Chapter 6: Back To The Park
Chapter 7: Ready For Adventure
Chapter 8: Beaver Valley
Chapter 9: Orville
Chapter 10: Lightfoot
Chapter 11: Stone City
Chapter 12: Pierre's Camp
Chapter 13: New Delta

October 21st, 2003: The real Chapter 12 uploaded (the other had been edited out, but I forgot), plus the final chapter, #13, and an Epilogue. It's all uploaded. Four years to write, and six years to publish. Will it be 2011 before someone reads it :-) ? Oh yeah, map is coming. I have to dig it up off some old computers. Or I could scan it in...

October 17th, 2003: Chapter 12 now available.

October 16th, 2003, 1 PM: The real Chapter 10 has been uploaded. The previous Chapter 10 is now Chapter 11. This was the one place in the book where there was ambiguity about chapter ordering. I think how I have it now is how I intended.

October 16th, 2003, 11 AM: Chapter 10 uploaded. Two in one day! Now that I've listed it on I better get this all uploaded soon.

October 16th, 2003, 10 AM: Chapter 9 uploaded. You'd think I was writing the whole book from scratch. Now I no longer have to type in each chapter, just repaginate (sort of), proofread, and upload. If you want me to hurry up, send e-mail to johnston at vectaport dot com

September 8th, 2003: Finally, all the "lost" chapters are re-typed (thru Chapter 8). Book to be fully uploaded soon (ha ha).

July 24th, 2003: Chapter 7 now ready, one chapter left of the part I have to manually re-enter, then things should go faster.

June 11th, 2003: Chapter 6 uploaded, going fast enough for you?

May 9th, 2003: 3 months it took until I got around to typing in the 5th chapter. Sheesh, I hope this doesn't take longer than the four years it took to write the book in the first place. My excuse is three sons, what's yours?

February 10th, 2003 Man, it took me more than a month to retype the 4th chapter. I forgot how long the sucker was. Send e-mail if you like it so far (johnston at vectaport dot com). Enjoy!

January 5th, 2003: I started this upload on Jan 2, 2003. So far 3 chapters in 4 days. As I get time I will upload the entire book in PDF format, chapter by chapter. Check back every few days for a new chapter or come back a the end of January and I should have it finished (I have to retype several of the chapters by hand because all I have is a paper copy). If you have any feedback on the book, please write me at johnston at vectaport dot com. Enjoy!

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